Community Networking Breakfast is Key to Building Partnerships
ng homes Community Networking Breakfast programme continues to increase in numbers with over 70 attending the latest event which was held at Possilpark Parish Church.
ng homes Community Networking Breakfast programme continues to increase in numbers with over 70 attending the latest event which was held at Possilpark Parish Church.
OVER 100 people including 80 children took part in Chinese New Year celebrations at Saracen House in Possilpark earlier this week enjoying traditional Chinese food, music and dancing.
A LEADING housing association in Glasgow, ng homes, has just taken on five new apprentices as part of Glasgow City Council's Commonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative.
OVER 200 children from 8 primary schools in the North and South of Glasgow have been taking part in the RISE Together Programme delivered in association with ng homes, Xchange Scotland and the Rangers Study Support Centre.
Recently, Port of Leith HA visited ng homes to learn about their social enterprise ng2 and its approach to social enterprise in North Glasgow.
Lanlord Report on performance of ng homes 2014.
Ned Donaldson House
50 Reidhouse St. Glasgow