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Integrating sport, play and active travel

Event date 19 May 2015 09:00 – 15:30

Location Saracen House, 139 Saracen Street G22 5AZ

Event Overview and Background Many of the underlying determinants of inequalities in health and well-being are environmental, therefore a concerted effort is required to create the right environments within our towns and cities. In Scotland, a growing number of organisations are working to promote improvement in this field, from the Scottish Government to NDGBs, private companies and charities. Access to green spaces and recreation ground has long been considered a central factor of health and wellbeing, and more recently the benefits of play and the role of active travel have also been afforded greater significance. But in many of Scotland’s communities, there is still a limited access to good spaces which promote these activities. This conference will explore the relationship between places and spaces in relation to both physical and mental health. Environmental, social and cultural connections will also be considered. The conference will provide expert analysis, evidence based case studies and a unique forum to engage and discuss with like-minded peers from across the country. This event is sponsored by ng homes, The James Hutton Institute, Play Scotland, The Land Trust and PAS and is supported by The RTPI. Confirmed speakers include: David Miller, Knowledge Exchange Coordinator, The James Hutton Institute Neil Langhorn, Sustainable & Active Transport Team, Transport Scotland Euan Hall, Chief Executive, The Land Trust Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive, Play Scotland Rona Gibb, Development Manager, Paths for All Petra Biberbach, Chief Executive, PAS Rory Mitchell, Public Health Information Manager, NHS Health Scotland Diarmaid Lawlor, Head of Urbanism, A+DS You can view the full agenda by visiting Delegate places are free to those working in the sector but places are limited. If you require any further information please contact Jill Hopper at Spectrum Events on 0131 553 9386 or by email. Please contact us at if you would like to receive updates by email.




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