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Enjoy the Glasgow September Weekend – We're here if you need us.
As the Glasgow September holiday weekend approaches, we would like to remind you that ng homes offices will be closed on Friday 22 September and Monday 25 September 2023.
As we head towards the holiday weekend, we wanted to make sure our tenants and customers are aware of our opening hours over the upcoming festive period and how to get in touch with us should they need to.

Please note that our offices will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 26 September 2023. In the meantime, if you have any non-emergency queries or require assistance, you can still get in touch through the ng homes app, email us at or visit the ng homes website and follow ‘Contact Us’. Any messages send over the holiday weekend will be answered as soon as possible.
Don’t forget our social media team will be taking a break over the weekend – any messages left on our social media will be picked up on our return.