Festive opening hours 2022-23
Christmas is coming - find out more about our 2022-23 opening hours and how to get in touch should you need us.
Christmas is coming - find out more about our 2022-23 opening hours and how to get in touch should you need us.
The Scottish Government is currently running a campaign to offer help, advice and support to help you through the challenges you may be facing during the cost of living crisis.
Add your voice to the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users to help improve social landlord services - find out more about how to get involved!
Plans and designs of how towns centres in North Glasgow could be improved - including Possilpark, Maryhill and Springburn - have been shared as part of a draft North Glasgow Strategic Development Framework.
Make safety a priority this Bonfire Night.
ng homes' Landlord Reportfor 2022, which highlights our performance over the past 12 months, is now available.
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) have published firework safety advice to keep you safe ahead of bonfire night on 5th November.
Please attend an organised event if possible - you can find a list of local and national organised events on the SFRS website. The fireworks code and firework/bonfire safety guidance is also available on from the SFRS on their website.
Women have a right to safety. Report your experiences of harassment and abuse in public spaces in Glasgow.
As we head into the festive season, businesses and organisations have been working hard to make it a happy one for the community. There are so many wonderful people and organisations out there and we would like to say a BIG community Thank You to you all.
Possobilities saves Christmas from the Grinch!
This week, Christmas came early to Springburn in Glasgow, as the McDermott Group and M-Four presented over 100 gifts to the children and residents at ng homes’ Balgrayhill Multi-Storey Flats.
Ned Donaldson House
50 Reidhouse St. Glasgow